Get Date Range With DatePicker on Visualbasic6

'Made on 4th June 2009 BY Muh. Iqbal oo>LABQ5oo<

Private Sub DTPEntered_Change()
TxtDateEntered.Text = DTPEntered.Value
End Sub

Private Sub DTPEntered_Click()
TxtDateEntered.Text = DTPEntered.Value
End Sub

Private Sub DTPReturn_Change()
TxtDateReturn.Text = DTPReturn.Value
End Sub

Private Sub DTPReturn_Click()
TxtDateReturn.Text = DTPReturn.Value
End Sub

Private Sub TxtDateEntered_Change()
If DTPEntered.Value > DTPReturn.Value Then
MsgBox "Date entered must be less than or " & vbCrLf & _
"equal to the date of return",vbExclamation
DTPReturn.Value = DTPEntered.Value
End If
End Sub

Private Sub TxtDateReturn_Change()
If DTPReturn.Value < DTPEntered.Value Then
MsgBox "Date of return must be more or " & vbCrLf & _
"equal to the date of entry",vbExclamation
DTPEntered.Value = DTPReturn.Value
End If
End Sub

'Query is Used

Sub SQLQuery()
Dim RSZZ As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim SQLz As String
MySql= "SELECT * FROM WHERE DailyReport_Tab.DateEntered >= #" & TxtDateEntered.Text & "#
And DailyReport_Tab.Return <= #" & TxtDateReturn.Text & "#"
RSDailyReport.Open MySqL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
End Sub


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