Tools For Replacement Cloosing Wirerope At Crane-3
As mechanical at Cigading Port every person must working by schedule or must have Standard Operating Procedure ( SOP ). But when we needs to know what is the mechanical SOP and we not founded even we asking to other person who was working more than one year, so sadly they don't know what is the SOP or SOP books. Rather than blame someone else, we made some notes about work activity begins from tools safety equipment and work steps just a way for us to do the work carefully , just in preparation for working tools by reading this notes. A. Tools Lever Block minimum 1. Hammer 3 Kg. Wrench size 30, 36 Clamp Wire rope size 1.1/4 or size 1.1/2 minimum 1. peralatan penggantian sling cloosing Crane-3 kotrek min 1 sling lassing dua 8 - 12 mm min 3 uk 50 s/d 100 cm klemp sling uk 1 1/4 s/d 1 1/2 min 2 obeng (-) min 1 tang kombinasi min 1 pipa pengungkit/pemekar sling kunci shock 30 kunci pas/ring 36 palu 3/5 Kg...